What To Expect
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We love to worship God – in both traditional and contemporary styles. While each service has its own particular style, everyone is welcome at all services. Our focus is not on what you look like, wear or do, it is on Jesus and the life he gives to us all.

Holy Communion


If it is your practice to take Holy Communion in another Christian church or denomination, we warmly invite you to participate. Holy Communion is shared at the front of the church, with individual grape juice cups.  Gluten free wafers are also available.

Families with Children


We want to make church as welcoming as possible. Our Caulfield 10:30am Contemporary Sunday service caters for the needs of families, children and youth.

For Infants and Toddlers


At St Mary’s church in Caulfield, an infant’s room is available for parents to comfortably feed and change babies while still seeing and hearing the service. You can access the infant’s room via the right hand aisle, behind the choir stalls. External access is also available via a pram-friendly ramp.


There is a restroom accessed from the side door near the tea and coffee making facilities.


Young children are also welcome to use the quiet area at the rear of the church to draw or play with puzzles during the service (with parental supervision).

For Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Aged Students


We love having children participate in the service. Our Kids’ Spot takes place around 10:50am in the Caulfield 10:30am Contemporary service.  All the children are invited up the front and a member of our Sunday Club team gives a short message and prayer for the children.


Sunday Club starts straight after Kids’ Spot (about 11am), with the children leaving the church building and lining up into their groups to be taken over to the Jubilee School Hall by our trained leaders for their time of learning and fun.


If it is your first time visiting with us, we suggest a parent comes across with their children and settle them in. Parents are welcome to stay as long as they are needed, especially those with pre-school aged children. Tea and coffee are available in the hall.


Children are returned to their parents back at the church at 12pm.



Oaktree is deeply passionate about supporting its teenagers as they ask the big questions of life and figure out who they are in the midst of this. We believe every young person deserves to know the truth of who they are in Christ. Our young people begin and end each service with the broader community in church, yet head out during the main part of the service to explore the bible in depth, discuss life in a safe place and connect with Jesus in community.


Find out more about our youth program here.

Young Adults


We greatly value our growing group of adults who span the upper secondary, then tertiary years and beyond. Our welcoming community offers you a lively place to call home.  Our Spirit-filled worship, along with our teaching and messages are aimed at supporting you to grow into all God has for you in this special stage of life.


Find out more about our young adults program here.



A collection is taken during each service, for regular members to contribute to the operating costs of Oaktree Anglican services and programs, and to support our missionary partners. Some members choose to give regularly via direct debit instead (visit our giving page for more information). If you are visiting our service, please do not feel any obligation to give, you are our guest.

Connecting With Us


All of our services are followed by morning tea or a meal. We would love you to join us for this time so we can meet you and introduce ourselves. If you would like someone to get in touch after your visit, please provide your details on a Connect Card (found in the pew bulletin), and hand it in during the collection.