The Parenting Children Course
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Children do not arrive with an instruction manual.


Family life is under great pressure today and parents face bewildering choices about how to parent effectively. Discovering we are not alone in the challenges we face and picking up ideas from other parents can make a huge difference. We can all learn how to make even the happiest family better.  The Parenting Children Course is for every type of parenting situation, including parenting on your own, step-parenting and parenting as a couple.

Each session begins with a buffet lunch to enjoy while watching some dvd talks, alternating with informal discussions with other parents.  The dvd material is interspersed with filmed clips of parents and children talking about their experience of parenting or being parented, street interviews and advice from a variety of parenting experts.


Over five weekly sessions you will discover practical tools to help you:


  • Build a strong family, centred on love
  • Meet your children’s needs
  • Set effective boundaries
  • Teach healthy relationships
  • Pass on the values you hold to be important


You will not be required to share anything about your family life that you would prefer not to.  Every part of the course is optional, including contributing to the small group discussions.


The Parenting Children Course was developed by Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book and The Parenting Book. They have been married for over thirty years, have four children and three grandchildren, and live in London. They started The Parenting Children Course in 1990, and it continues to spread with many courses now running around the world.