Message: “Signs (Michelle Turnbull)” from Michelle Turnbull
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Message: “Signs (Michelle Turnbull)” from Michelle Turnbull

Message: “Signs (Michelle Turnbull)” from Michelle Turnbull

Michelle Turnbull - May 8, 2020

Releasing Spiritual Gifts: Various Kinds of Tongues (1 Corinthians 14:4-5, 13-19)

Releasing Spiritual Gifts (2020)

From Series: "Releasing Spiritual Gifts (2020)"

The topic of spiritual gifts has sadly often been controversial. The controversy has been fuelled by numerous factors, including cessationist theology and examples of poor use of the gifts. But the key focus must be what God says about spiritual gifts in His Word - what they are, their purpose and how they are to be used. In this series, we'll be focussing on the nine manifestations of the Spirit, summarised in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. And on the practical use of each one.

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