Message: “Palm Sunday (Michelle Turnbull)” from Michelle Turnbull
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Message: “Palm Sunday (Michelle Turnbull)” from Michelle Turnbull

Message: “Palm Sunday (Michelle Turnbull)” from Michelle Turnbull

Michelle Turnbull - October 23, 2020

Colossians: Here's how to live - other side of the coin (Col 3:12-17)

Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ (2020)

From Series: "Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ (2020)"

The Letter to the Colossians is the most Christ-centred epistle in the New Testament. What a fantastic revelation God gives us in this four chapter Letter. And it is revelation for us in this turbulent season that we’re living through. Colossians enables us to see clearly what it means to be ‘in Christ.’ No other book is so concerned with the exaltation of Christ. With its emphasis upon the supremacy of Christ, Colossians contains the very heart of the Christian message.

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